Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Day 75

Today was Ezra's milestone for 3rd grade - his play and tenach celebration!  This was supposed to happen mid-march right when quarantine started.  We celebrated with prayers, a play and giving of the tencah.  So proud of Ezra as always!  He was so serious and focused.  He wouldn't let us be near him on the screen so we viewed from the couch.  

In other big news, we have a new dog!  Believe it or not, this is our Missy!  Despite our grooming efforts she was too mated and the groomers had to shave her down.  I didn't believe it was her.  She was in the worst mood all day.  Sad about her fur and probably uncomfortable about a tough grooming experience.  We gave her extra love and treats.  Hopefully she will be back to her old self in a few days.  

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