Tuesday, April 25, 2006

More Ultrasound Pictures

Here are some more ultrasound pictures. This top one is his face and body in profile. His head is on the right.

This last picture is looking directly at his face. The top of his head is on the right. Then you can see his closed eyes, his nose and mouth. How cute!!! You can see the rest of the ultrasound pictures here.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

38 Weeks!!!

Yes we are at 38 weeks and Niblet does not seem to be wanting to make his appearance anytime soon. You can see below Lauren's reaction. Tune in tomorrow for some new ultrasound pictures!!!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

View from the Top

This is Lauren's view when trying to look down. First she sees her ever growing belly (this picture was actually taken 2 weeks ago!!!). Then she sees the points of her knees. And that is it!!! Lauren hopes that Niblet's arrival will be soon and then she can start getting her waist back!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

What does Lauren eat?

In following yesterdays post about Jerald's eating habits during Passover, we bring you What Does Lauren Eat During Passover?
The answer is: Matzah Pizza!!! YUMMMMMM. This cardboard eating holiday thankfully ends thursday.

Monday, April 17, 2006


As we are currently in the middle of Passover we thought we would share Jerald's favorite Passover dish. This tradition started with Jerald's Grandfather and his whole family loves this strange concoction. They have named it MSCAS. Which stands for Matzah, Sour Cream, Cinnamon, And Sugar. And it is exactly what it sounds like. The strange thing for Jerald is that he normally hates sour cream and only eats it during Passover. Go figure!

As you can see, Jerald carefully spreads sour cream over the matzah. Jerald is very meticulous with this.

Then Jerald sprinkles every inch of the matzah with the cinnamon and sugar mixture.

Then all that is left to do is enjoy!

Happy Passover!!!

Oh ~ to answer any unresolved questions, Lauren has never tried MSCAS and refuses to!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Meredith's Adobe Getaway

Last summer, one of Lauren's best friends, Meredith, moved to Sante Fe. Unfortunately, we have been unable to visit due to a crazy schedule and our expected bundle of joy. Luckily we will get to see her this summer in Rochester at her wedding! But she finally has got some pictures up of her and her fiance's beautiful Adobe home. They are so cute we just wanted to share them.

Oh, this is their dog Goober. How cute is he? For all you childhood friends of Lauren out there - doesn't he look like Roscoe's cousin???

Monday, April 10, 2006

Ethan & Jess' Wedding

Sunday night we attended our good friends Ethan & Jess' wedding. It was a wonderful occasion. They are a wonderful couple and it was fantastic to be able to celebrate with them. Most of Lauren's high school friends were in town for the event so it was great to be able to spend time with them. They all seemed to be quite enamored by the belly. Lauren's oldest and best friend Rebecca actually began to cry when she felt Niblet kick. Very cute!

You can view the rest of our pictures from the wedding.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

36 Weeks!

Not much to say except that we are in the home stretch and hopefully there will not be much more opportunity to post "belly" pictures.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Afternoon Tea

From Lauren: Last week two of my friends from work, Erica and Jamie, and my assistant Polly, threw me a fantastic Afternoon Tea at work. Here are some more pictures of the event.

As you can see, they know me very well and provided yummy cakes and cookies! I am very lucky to have made such wonderful caring friends at work. They have listened to every little problem, ache or pain I have had over the last 8 months. Erica and Jamie have been so supportive and wonderful. They actually made going to work fun!

Speaking of work ~ it is official ~ I am on bedrest. Today was my last day of work. From now until Niblet's arrival you will find me on our couch hanging out with Oprah.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Green Eggs & Ham

Today we had yet another uneventful visit with the doctor. According to him there is no evidence that would suggest that Lauren will be delivering early. In response Lauren began booing! So we go along from here - always thankful that things are looking good.

The highlight of the visit was while we were waiting for the doctor. Jerald read "Green Eggs and Ham" to Niblet for the first time. Niblet had been not moving much prior to the reading but upon hearing his Daddy's voice started kicking and having a great time. But the hard stuff will come when Niblet will be able to speak and he asks, "Why can't I have ham???"

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Registry Information

As the date gets closer, people have been increasingly asking us if/where we're registered. So, to answer the ever popular question, Niblet is registered at the following places:

Magic Beans and Babies R' Us

Of course, we hear he likes cute clothes (and Sox/Patriots themed clothes) as well.