Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Day 54

Missy is getting a little braver in the house!  There were so many trucks outside this morning, she needed to see what was going on!

Prepare for the worst, expect the best!  I am still hoping that my kids and many other kids will get the gift of camp this summer.  If not, I want to make sure to do something for the 70+ kids that were supposed to get camp scholarships through my work.  So I started ordering massive amounts of lawn games, board games, and craft supplies.  I was stressed about all the packages so I decided to leave a note with snacks and water.  I wasn't sure anyone would take them - but they were half gone at night.  

And I got this nice note!  

Justin and Ezra were so excited about all the boxes, they spent the afternoon outside making different creations.  Ezra made this guitar and amp, Justin made a mask and mechanical goggles!  Seth spent the afternoon in this zoom debate class.  He complains about it, but I am so happy he is doing it!

This came up in my memories...1 year ago = Seth's Bar Mitzvah!

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