Friday, March 13, 2020

Day Zero

Day Zero

So our quarantine hasn't officially started but this day sure felt weird!  The boys went to school but Jerald and I was home.  I have been stocking food for a while so there wasn't much to do.  I am still recovering from a cold, so I just laid low.

It has felt super weird - it is like I am preparing for a snow storm that will not come....

The boys came home from school with all the stuff from their lockers - even their magnets!  To me this means, that no one expects them to return anytime soon.  This is a scary thought...  to manage these feelings I am going to work on daily schedules for all of us.  For me, I am going to blog everyday.  And of course trying to go back to fill in the missing pieces of the blog.

Shabbat with the five of us was a pretty magical experience.  We called into a zoom shabbat help by CJP.  We lit candles together.  Our favorite part was this older couple who had a dog with them.  The dog kept licking the man's bald head and we couldn't stop laughing!  After sushi dinner (I figure we should order in while we can?!?) we went to facebook to watch a beautiful friday night service from Josh Nelson.  We were all snuggled on the couch and singing.

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