Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Day 11

Busy "regular" tuesday in our house.  I had a bunch of work and zoom meetings.  Jerald had endless calls and meetings and the boys had their virtual school.  After school was over Ezra was inspired by the Mo Willems video we watched yesterday to make our own version of SUPER BOUNCE!  It was really fun doing this activity with Ezra.  He had a very clear vision of what the game should look like and where all the spots should go.  He was great when I suggested different ideas.  He took some and disagreed with others, but I was impressed about how he handled the whole thing!  After dinner we had played the game as a family.  It was fun!  

I am trying to see how many hobbies I can cram into one day.  I worked out using Beachbody App, worked on the blog, practiced my saxophone and restarted a baby blanket for Penny.  Ezra and Justin played basketball, and drew.  Seth worked more on his magic using MasterClass and also worked out using the App.  Jerald spent the night playing Code Names with his Mom and siblings.  We are working hard here!  

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