Saturday, March 14, 2020

Day 1

This first day at home really should have felt pretty regular.  We often will spend a whole day at home hanging around - but it didn't.  As Justin said, "It was a good day, but it felt weird."

I started the day by logging into some friend's kids bar/bat mitzvahs.  So sad for them that they couldn't have the day they wished for.  But so impressed with how everyone can adjust.  The big laugh for the morning was when an older woman watching one of the services didn't realize her camera was on and walked out of the shower in her birthday suit!

Luckily it was a sunny if cold day.  We spent a some of the day in the backyard with Missy and Justin played a lot of basketball.

In celebration of Pi day - Seth and I attempted an apple pie.  Only a tad bit of yelling on both sides - but the end result was delicious!  We had some family reading time (I finally finished my book club book), hours of monopoly playing (with minimal tears), and we ended with our first movie night in our new basement watching Captain Marvel.


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