Thursday, March 19, 2020

Day 6

I started the day with a very wet walk with Missy!  I have been enjoying the forced outdoor time - even a 15 min walk around the block has a blessing.  Not as much fun in the rain....  

Day 2 of virtual school was successful.  Here is Justin in art class.  

I had a very busy day at work.  We had a 2 hour zoom staff meeting.  Mostly going through checking in with everyone.  So sad to hear that my co-worker has to miss her son's wedding in California :-(

After school Seth was in a good mood but the other two were a little up and down.  Some tv time, drawing with Mo, home cooked dinner, family Taboo games seemed to cheer us all up.  

We finished the night with a Zoom call with other 8th grade parents.  We are trying to brainstorm ways to celebrate these kids as they end their school careers together.  The Israel trip in April is obviously not happening.  I am hoping they could put on their play and have graduation somehow...  even if it is in June or August!  The unknown is so hard right now - trying to just focus one day at a time.  What is one thing we can do tomorrow to make us smile...  

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