Sunday, March 15, 2020

Day 2

Could it really only be two days?  The boys have been in good spirits...  I think it is hitting Jerald and I know about all that is cancelled and how hard this will be.  

I started the day getting back to my Beachbody workouts (thankfully I always work out from home!).  Ezra is picking up chess so there were some games while I was working out.  We played more of the same monopology game (why does that game take so long????).  Ezra and Justin spent some time decluttering their rooms.  

We then took Missy to Cold Spring park to walk on a path in the forrest.  It was so great being outside - the boys and Missy had a blast.  And we ran into the Friedmans!  We are trying to decide if we are one family unit or keeping our distance.  So hard!  For now - we only socialized outside.  But the walk was really what we needed.  

Back at home, Seth helped with dinner and Jerald and I opened a bottle of wine and had our first couples night in!  I wasn't sure how it was going to work - but it was so much fun and just what I needed.  For an hour and a half - we talked and played trivia games - and laughed.  It was just good to see faces of people who I love!

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