Monday, March 23, 2020

Day 10

The new normal is starting to feel regular in a weird way....  I have to make sure I take enough pictures to keep it interesting.  These first pictures are brought to you from the 30 min of cleaning I am doing every day.  The Harry Potter Robe on Seth was supposed to be a channukah present - that was misplaced in our crowded storage area,  The pictures are from one of the many photo albums my Grandfather mailed to me.  We always shared a love of photos!  

The day was good - the boys did their work and Jerald and I got our work done.  It was cold and snowy so not a lot of outdoor time!  We did catch up on our Doodles with Mo videos.  

Missy loves snuggling - even if I am standing up!  

The big news is that I took my first saxophone lesson today for the first time in 25 years!  I figured if the boys could do virtual lessons, so could I.  I sounded better than I thought I would - but I couldn't remember any names of notes - forget about reading music!  It was really fun to access a different part of my brain and think about something totally different,  My dream of our family band might come true!

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