Saturday, March 21, 2020

Day 8

Saturday morning started with more lego building!  The boys are doing a great job of keeping them away from Missy.  

Jerald called into the KI services.  Today is the 15th year yarzhiet for his Dad.  I can't comprehend that it has really been 15 years.  It is beyond sad that he never got to meet our amazing boys.  I see so much of him in them - they would have loved each other.  

We went to the Decordovo Sculpture park to walk around.  It was actually really crowded so we decided to mostly stay away from the sculptures and walk in the woods.  We had a great hour long hike.  It was what everyone needed!  

We had some afternoon reading time and then all the boys played bball on the driveway.  This is definitely Justin's favorite thing to do these days.  

We had make your own pizza for dinner - Missy was confused why she didn't have any for dinner!

We ended the night with a showing of the movie BIG in the Korn Cave.  It still holds up!  I love Tom Hanks - wishing him a speedy recovery!!!!

With such a busy day - everyone was pretty tired.  

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