Sunday, June 21, 2020

Day 99

What a way to start the morning!!!!  Beautiful sunrise.  I have a favorite spot on the deck for my morning coffee and my workout.  Everyone had a great night sleep and ready for the day!

The sun rises outside our window so I was up early.  I snuck out at 6am to go to Goody Good Donuts and get a Father's Day Treat.  

Happy Father's Day Jerald - best Dad ever!!!!!

We spent the morning exploring the lake and figuring out how to get the water mat ready to go.  It was worth the stress of getting it here.  The boys love it!  We had a big BJ's food order delivered so we are ready to go.  

The big arrival came at 1:45 - Grandma and Pa arrived!!!!  We all ran out to greet them.  So many hugs and kisses and tears on my part.  What a great feeling to have them here!  

The boys couldn't wait to show them the house and the lake.  They got settled and Pa even went into the lake!  I bbq'd for dinner and even made gluten free cupcakes to celebrate father's day.  How could I be any luckier being with my Dad and my boys on Father's Day.  

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