Saturday, February 27, 2010

Purim Part 1 - Megillah Reading

The Purim fun begins... Seth has been very into pirates lately (you may have noted the pirate hat in many of Seth's recent pictures) thanks to Pa introducing Seth to Peter Pan. Therefore, Seth had no interest in re-using Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Halloween and so began the pirate family. Luckily, Jerald and I were Pirates many years ago for Halloween before the boys arrived.

Grandma and Pa were such good sports as we dressed them in their pirate garb and came along to hear the story of Purim (Megillah Reading) at our temple.

I was concerned how Justin would handle all the noise at the Megillah Reading. The whole point is to make a lot of noise to drown out the name of the "bad guy" in the story (Haman). At Seth's first Purim - he cried at all the noise and Nana and I had to sit outside with him. Justin was totally fine with the noise. He might have even enjoyed the noise. Justin did have a great time in his Pirate hat and running around our temple.

Here are Seth's friends Maya as a soccer player, Evan as Buzz Lightyear and Pirate Seth.

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