Thursday, February 04, 2010

Justin's First Haircut

The time was finally here. The chorus of family members and friends requesting a haircut for Justin was growing by the day. Justin's hair was crazy but I loved it! I finally gave in and took him to snip-its today. Above is the before picture. I put Justin in the chair - buckled him up, handed him an animal cracker and the hairdresser took a half of step towards him and Justin started hysterical crying. I didn't even get a picture. Plan B - I squeezed in the chair and Justin snuggled up on me for the haircut. Harder to take pictures and of course cut hair - but Justin certainly has his own opinions.

Once snuggled on my lap we were able to get the job done.

The curls are still there - we weren't ready to go too short - but at least the hair is out of his eyes and he looks more like a bigger boy.

And he got his first lollipop!

What a cutie pie!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my Justin needs baby mousse or hair clips.
Such a cutie pie
miss you all......all my love grama