Friday, August 21, 2009


Day #1 - Unfortunately, we didn't get to do a vacation away with Jerald's whole family, so we decided instead to do a short staycation with Nana, Aunt Na, Uncle Jason and Becca. The first day we all drove down to Aunt Na, Uncle Jason, and Becca's house in Sharon, met Nana, and headed to their town lake. It was a great morning at the beach. We all played in the water and the sand and had a nice lunch on the beach. It was very cute watching Becca following Seth and Justin trying to follow Becca. The boys are so lucky to have so much wonderful family nearby and it's fun to see the cousins grow up together! The little one's napped and then we had a yummy dinner at the Cheesecake factory (thanks Nana!). Then we headed back home for marathon unpacking and repacking.

Day #2 - The corn maze! Aunt Na told us a few months back about this giant corn maze in central Mass and we couldn't wait to go. Seth has been wanting to go to a maze ever since we saw a Curious George episode where he went to a corn maze race. It was a ridiculously hot and sticky day (as you can see from the pictures) but we had a ton of fun! Seth really enjoyed carrying his map and deciding which way to turn and since none of us really knew where we were going we didn't mind having him lead. Of course, Nana and Aunt Na wanted to stop and get all of the clues, but ultimately we pretty much guessed our way through the maze. There were also activity zones with climbing structures, zip lines and other fun stuff, which were a nice break from the maze. We stuck together and did the maze in an hour and a half. Seth had so much fun he didn't want to ring the victory bell at the end because he didn't want it to end. After the maze we had lunch and a water balloon fight, which was a great way to end the staycation. Thanks to Nana, Aunt Na, Uncle Jason and Becca - we had so much fun with you!!! Hopefully we can do a vacation with Jerald's full family sometime soon.

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