Friday, November 21, 2008

In the hospital...

Our first day in the hospital was a very long one, since the baby was born at 12:17 am! We made it to our room and got settled and even got a couple of hours of sleep before we began our day with our new little miracle.
We eagerly awaited the arrival of big brother Seth at the hospital. And we prepared the baby by putting pictures of his new family in his crib. There was a 15 minute period where he was awake and just staring at the pictures.
Seth came to meet his new brother - and he was so fantastic! He came right over and gave the baby two kisses on the head and proudly presented him with a present. He gave Jerald and I big hugs and kisses and then was ready to hold his baby brother. It was really one of the cutest things I have ever seen.

The baby then got to meet his Nana (who took such wonderful care of Seth during all of this!), his Pa and Grandma. You can tell from the pictures what proud and happy grandparents they all are! This is a very lucky baby and Jerald and I are truly blessed parents to have such wonderful sons!

1 comment:

The Young Family said...

What a cute little CHUB! I just wanna squeeze those cheeks!