Friday, November 21, 2008

The arrival story...

(In labor - on the way to the hospital)

Yesterday at 9:30 am I began having contractions. Although, I was not sure they were contractions so Seth and I went about our day. We met our friends Carrie-Ann and Mae at an indoor-playspace and proceeded to stress over whether or not I was in labor. After 2 hours of these contractions being 15 minutes apart Seth and I headed over to Nana's. We called my doctor, Jerald, and the professor who I work for - to tell them all - we might be in labor. Jerald picked me up from his mother's house and we left Seth there napping. At this point of the story - I was already thrilled! The thing I had been stressing the most over is when and where this would happen. How would I get Seth somewhere safe and how long would it take for Jerald to get to us. It all went so well - Nana to the rescue! Jerald and I made it to our house, packed our bags and waited for my contractions to get close enough together to head to the hospital. When I had a contraction that was only 6 minutes apart, I was ready - it was 6:15 and the back labor was getting a lot to handle.
We were admitted to the hospital at 6:30 and even though I had incredible pain from the back labor, I was only 1 centimeter dilated!!! By the time the OB saw me an hour later I was only 2 centimeters. I had had enough - I needed the drugs!!! The OB realized what kind of pain I was in and sent us to the labor and delivery floor. I finally got the epidural at 9pm. YEA!!! The OB checked me at 10:30 and all of a sudden I was 8 centimeters. By 11:30 I was fully dilated. I began pushing at midnight and the newest member of our family made his arrival a short 17 minutes later.

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