Monday, April 11, 2011

Seth's First T-ball Practice

 After much discussion and much anticipation - Seth's first day of t-ball was today.  It was a great success!  If you remember from last spring Seth's soccer experience was kind of up and down.  Jerald has spent a lot of time talking to Seth about baseball and practicing in the backyard so Seth would feel comfortable at practice.  It definitely paid off.  Seth knew what to expect in terms of drills and how the different parts of the game worked.  It also was wonderful to have Ronak on Seth's team.  The two of them could not have looked cuter out on the field together!  Seth was so happy to be there.  He ran right out on the field and listened to the coaches and followed all the directions.  He did a great job at running the bases.  He had a little trouble hitting off the t - I think in part because he is on the taller end of the kids and the t was kind of low.  Our main goal was for him to participate and have fun - mission accomplished!  Next practice Jerald gets to go - both Jerald and Seth are so excited!

In the end Justin was a great spectator and great cheerer for Seth.  He was very sad that he did not get a special t-shirt and he really wanted to go out on the field to play with his big brother.  Soon!

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