Thursday, April 28, 2011

5 Months Old!!!

Time sure flies when you are this cute!  Ezra continues to be our cutie pie.  He is quick with a smile and a giggle - especially when his big brothers are being silly.  This month he began to roll from his back to his stomach (he did it for the first time at Nana's house in front of a big crowd).  He quickly began rolling constantly.  I will put him on his back for two seconds and poof he is on his tummy.  Ezra also has become fascinated with his feet - grabbing them and sometimes even getting them in his mouth.  He is getting better at tr-pod sitting and I am sure sitting on his own is not too far away.  Yes, he is still sleeping swaddled in the co-sleeper in our room.  Most nights he needs some rocking to go to sleep but then he will wake up zero or 1 times.  It is not bad enough for us to try to change it - although this cannot go on forever.  He is getting better at recognizing people.  There is no better feeling when I walk into a room and Ezra sees me - he smiles this great big smile that makes me melt.

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