Thursday, April 16, 2009

End of Passosver at Nana's

We got to finish off the Passover holiday in style back at Nana's house. It was great getting to spend some down time with Nana, Aunt Naomi, Uncle Jason, Uncle Josh, Aunt Sara, Uncle Jono, Cousin Becca, and especially Great Gram, who got some real quality time with both boys. Seth and Justin also had a great time with their aunts and uncles - going on walks, playing football and hide-and-seek outside, and making up strange games like one called "Life" (named by Seth - we have no idea why) and one that involved hiding under blankets and walking around (see below). Seth also got to sleep in Nana's room and was very excited about his sleepover!

Thank you Nana for hosting us again. We're really blessed to have so many wonderful family members to celebrate with!

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