Tuesday, March 17, 2009

More sleeping

Saturday night we bit the bullet. I never thought we would have to "Ferberize" Justin as we did Seth because he was such a better sleeper. But I was wrong. Saturday night we worked on sleep training. Justin was a champ. It took him about 20 minutes to settle down - but he did it! He woke up a couple of times during the night - but nothing too bad and managed to put himself back to sleep. Sunday night was even better. Only waking up 2 times. Monday night - Jerald and Seth put Justin to sleep (I was at a board meeting) and then Justin only woke up at 3:15 to eat and happily went back to sleep after that. Hopefully we have turned a corner! Once Justin is consistently waking up only once a night we will move him down to his room.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay justin!!!!!!!!!