Saturday, March 14, 2009

Justin Sleeping

The joyful mystery of a 3+ month year olds sleep. For a while there, Justin had become a champion sleeper. We had him in this great swaddle. We could put him down awake, he would put himself to sleep and would only wake up sometime after 2am or later for a feeding. He would happily drift back to sleep waking up around 7. Sometimes he didn't even wake up until 6ish to eat! Just when you have something figured out with these kids they go and change on your! Justin then got too big for his swaddle and too active while sleeping. The swaddle wouldn't hold him any longer so he started waking up every couple of hours fussing. We ditched the swaddle but felt he was still waking himself up with his hands. So we invented this strange method above. He is in a sleep-sack and underneath that we are swaddling his arms with a receiving blanket (thanks for the idea Debbie!). We have had some success with it. Lately, we all have gotten into the bad habit of having him fall asleep with the pacifier. He has become so reliant on it in such a short time. Now we are stuck, a couple of times a night, having to wake up and put the pacifier back in. This works ok for now - because Justin is still in our room and we can put it in without much effort. Sooner or later, Justin will have to move to his own room and this pacifier thing won't fly any longer. For now, we are sticking with our method. Sleep is always an issue - isn't it?

1 comment:

vchodos said...

Hi! They make sleep sacks with arm wrappers! I just saw them at babies r us last weekend :)