Saturday, March 31, 2007

No More Night Driving!

Today was our first day at Seth's Grandparents house (Lauren's parents). We drove down late last night. We used to be able to drive at night while Seth slept and then we could transfer him to his crib and sleep happily through the night. NOT ANYMORE! Seth slept during the car ride but upon arrival in New York - he was rested and ready to play. His Grandparents were thrilled to be able to play, even though it was 11pm. His parents were not so thrilled. By 12:30 Lauren took Seth in the car and drove him to the highlights of her youth - her High School, Elementary School and her Dance School. Seth fell asleep quickly and was moved to his crib but woke up through the night. I guess this is the end of night driving for us!

But all this craziness was well worth it. We all woke up tired but happy to be in New York with not only Seth's Grandparents but with two of his Great-Grandparents who flew in from Florida for Passover. It was so special to be surrounded by so many people who love us!

Thank you to Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa for flying in to spend time with us - we enjoyed every minute!!!

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