Monday, March 13, 2006

32 Weeks

Well we are hanging in. As you can see Lauren has been suffering a lot of swelling (mostly in her hands and feet). But Niblet is doing great. And Lauren is toughing it out. We attended our childbirth class yesterday. We learned a lot of stuff that we are sure we will totally forget once the time comes.

A funny story our teacher told us... she used to pass around a vacuum that would be used to vacuum the baby out if necessary (very rare so don't worry). She had to stop after this one class. There was this guy who was the jokster of the class. Well when the vacuum got to him he thought it would be funny to put it on his head. He was bald so a good suction was made. He pumped it up to full force and it got stuck on his head! They had to stop the whole class to try to get the vacuum off this guys head. Finally a member of the class who was a mechanic had the great idea to just puncture the tube and pop it came off. Needless to say his wife was ready to kill him. So they left the class after that. We did not witness anything crazy like that in our class - but it made for a good laugh!


Anonymous said...

it's almost time for niblet to make his big debut! :)


Anonymous said...

Funny story my teacher told me...when you go to the grocery store, keep a jar of pickles in your cart- if your water breaks spill the pickle juice on the floor and run out of there!