Thursday, April 27, 2017

Happy 11th Birthday Seth!!!

Happy 11th Birthday to our Seth!!! We love you more than words can say. You are an amazing brother, son and friend. Your love and enthusiasm for life is contagious. We are so lucky to have you!!!

You are a ball of energy, enthusiasm and you are all heart!  You have grown so much over the last year - in height and maturity.  You finished up 4th grade with great energy.  You went to sleep away camp for the first time with courage.  You had a great time and are eager to go back!  You have been working so hard in 5th grade mastering new subjects.  You have grown your circle of friends and your interests.  You are the best Harry Potter trivia expert we know.  You happily listen or read the books over and over and you love to be quizzed on the trivia.  You continued on with your acting but also tried lacrosse!  

I can always count on you to help out or rise to the occasion.  You approach every person you meet with kindness and respect.  You are so good to your friends and family.  We all love you!  

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