Saturday, December 03, 2016

Date Night with Ezra

Saturday night Seth and Justin were sleeping out at friends houses and Jerald was taking Nana out to dinner.  Ezra was about to feel a bit sad because he is ready for a sleepover but his Kindergarten buddies as not quite ready.  I suggested a date night with Mommy.  Ezra's face lit up and he started making plans - which restaurant we should go to, where we should eat dessert and of course what should he wear.  All day he kept talking about our plans.

I dropped Justin off at his sleepover and came home to the cutest Ezra ready for our date!  We went to Johnny's for dinner - we had mac and cheese and an omelet.  Then we walked to frozen yogurt.  Once home he wanted to watch tv.  So we watched our favorite home decorating show while snuggling on the couch.  I tried to convince him it was time for bed but he wanted more Ezra and Mommy time.  We compromised on a story in my bed.  He was allowed to fall asleep in my bed but Jerald would move him back to his bed once he came home.  It was such a sweet and special night.  I am the luckiest Mom!

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