Friday, November 21, 2014

Happy 6th Birthday Justin!!!

What another amazing year our Justin has had!  He finished up his last year of pre-school with such poise and confidence.  He found his voice in class and got very excited to start kindergarten.  He went to a "real" camp and took the bus, made friends and loved being outside.  Justin then started kindergarten!  He quickly (although it might not have felt that quick at the time!) got settled into school and made a wonderful group of friends.  Justin loves going to school, learning new things, and playing with his friends.  He has really excelled at karate, soccer, and even taking a lego robotics class!  Justin loves playing with his brothers and even sits at the kitchen table to do his work while Seth does his homework.  Justin is still our lovable, sensitive, caring, and snuggly boy!  He is the first to ask us how our day was (when I started tennis lessons this fall he was the first one to see how it went!), and make sure everyone in his family is happy and taken care of.  Justin we are so proud of the year you have had and the wonderful 6 year old you have become.  We love you!!!

Pancakes in bed!

On his actual birthday - Justin was the shabbat helper at school.  We had so much fun joining him and his classmates for this special event!

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