Monday, September 10, 2012

Justin's 1st Day of Preschool (2nd Year)

 Today we were all a little nervous for Justin's first day of school.  With a lot of thought, we had to make the heartbreaking decision to leave the school that Seth had gone to for 3 years and Justin for 1 year.  While we loved the school, we could not justify the amount of driving we were all doing (25 minutes one way for a 3-hour school day).  So we made the jump to a new school only 6 minutes away.  Justin will be here for 2 years with Ezra joining him next year for 3 years.  So it was the right time.  Justin had some tears at breakfast when we said today was school.  He pulled it together and it seemed that he just decided that it was going to be something he was excited about instead of scared.  We went to school he found his BFF Eitan, we gave a hug and kiss and then I left.  No tears, no asking me to stay.  He did it!  When I picked him up his new teacher said he did great.  So proud of our Justin!!!

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