Friday, December 18, 2009

Shabbat Club

Since the beginning of the school year, we have been a part of a 6 family shabbat club. Each month, one family hosts all the others for a pot-luck friday night dinner. It has already become a much anticipated tradition and tonight we took the plunge and hosted for the first time. We put a little added pressure on ourselves since it was the last night of Chanukah. We had a menorah for each family - it was really lovely singing together.

Above is the dinning room set up for the big group... below is my very first turkey (thanks Mom for taking my millions of questions during the day!) I think it was really good.

We fried up over 100 latkes and made Great-Grandma's pink applesauce for the holiday.

Had to include the beautiful salad brought by our friend Sarah - who didn't even stay for the dinner because the rest of her family was sick.

It was crazy, messy, loud but so much fun!!!

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