Sunday, October 05, 2008

Big Boy Bed!!!

So we bought the bed in June - thinking Seth would move into the "playroom" and the "big boy bed" in July. We did a bunch of wonderful traveling this summer and decided it would just be too much - so we stuck with the crib. Then the beginning of school came, and we decided to focus on one new change at a time - so we stuck with the crib. Now we are coming up on fritter's arrival and we didn't want the two linked at all - so it was now or never. With Jerald's hard work and some creative thinking we got the gate working (in the picture it is in the down position, when he is sleeping it clicks up to prevent him from falling out of the bed). So last night we all took the plunge together.

I was very emotional about the whole thing. This, more than anything else, really hit home with me that Seth is no longer a baby. He is in a regular bed! That just blows my mind!!! Jerald did such a great job at hyping the bed thing and preparing him. He went down without a peep. He wouldn't sleep under the covers, just the blanket I knit for him. The whole night wasn't as smooth. At 1:30 am he was calling for me. He was kind of half asleep and couldn't find cuddly. I gave it to him, sang him "Hush Little Baby," and he was back sleeping. I had a much harder time - but that is my own fault. Seth then woke up for good at 5:45 - at least an hour early! I guess for the first night it can be called a success - but we were all pretty tired today.

We then entered into the nap phase of the move this afternoon. It was quite a struggle, since Seth figured out how to get out of bed even with the gate up. After a half an hour of Jerald and I going in and out of his room - putting him back in bed with all his stuffed animals - he finally slept for 2 hours! Not as easy as I would like - but still a success.

What a big boy!!! All in all, I am really proud of him. Moving out of the crib, into a giant bed, in a new room - and he really took it all well.

1 comment:

The Young Family said...

What a big boy - but he's still your baby! Maybe his night waking was Seth's way of preparing you for the upcoming sleep deprivation:)