Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day

We had a great day celebrating with Jerald. We started the day by letting him "sleep in." I think he got up by 7:45 a.m.! Then Seth and I made chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. After Seth's morning nap and some furniture shopping we all went in the pool (maybe for the last time because we move this week!). The afternoon got busy with packing and house stuff but I think we showed Jerald how much we love and appreciate him.

Jerald is truly the best. He is an amazing Dad. Even after an incredible long day at work he will make sure he is home to spend quality time with Seth and to give me a break. Watching Jerald and Seth together always makes me smile. Seth is just so happy to be with his Dad - who always invents new games and finds new ways to make him laugh. Like this picture - I am not sure who came up with the idea - but it became very fun to throw balls under the couch and then take them back out again. Jerald we love and appreciate everything you do!

And a happy father's day to Seth's Grandpa, Seth's Great-Grandpa, Seth's Great-Grandaddy, and Seth's Zeyde.

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