Friday, February 24, 2006

What not to say to a pregnant woman

From Lauren...

Just a helpful list to keep the crazy pregnant women you come across from getting even crazier... (note: only some of these things have not been said to me directly - you can guess which ones)

1. Are you sure you aren't carrying twins? Even if this is meant as a joke it is not funny! And if she is carrying twins - she will let you know.

2. I can tell you are pregnant from behind. No explanation needed.

3. You look tired. Um, yea I look tired. I am growing a human being inside of me. You would be tired too! I never understand why people have the need to point this out.

4. You are not due sooner? If you ask me when I am due, and I say May 7th - the appropriate response is NOT "I would have guessed you were due this month." This is just another way of saying "Boy you look fat." Not nice!

5. Oh you are having a boy? Your husband must be sooooo happy! Now I think this one is just strange. Yes my husband is happy that we are having a healthy baby - but is he more happy that we are having a boy over a girl - no! What year are we in?

I am sure there will be more to come...


Anonymous said...

You should write a book!
Can't wait to see you all!!!!!!
where is the newest "tummy" picture????

Anonymous said...

you funny lauren.

Anonymous said...

yes i know :-) and the "tummy" picture is coming.


Anonymous said...

Oh Laur- i think the title of list should be modified after you give will see the "brillant" comments continue after you deliver..After I gave birth and none of my pre-preg clothes fit (so I was still wearing maternity clothes) - someone asked me when i was due!!! I wanted to kill them!