Thursday, May 19, 2005

Day 640 - A great place to start

So, I have been wanting to have a blog for a while. I have started a couple of different ones and they have never taken. What has inspired me this time? A lovely email from "You have been married for 640 days." Wow, where has the time gone!!! And why does feel the need to keep reminding me how quickly it is all going?

Jerald and I were married in August 2003. Just two short weeks after taking the bar. Yes we are insane. But look how happy we were that day... (see above)

And 640 days later we are still just as happy... (see above)

Ok so that picture was not taken exactly on day 640 but you get the idea.

So in coming up with a "reason" to write a blog I thought about what makes me the most happy. And of course I came up with Jerald.

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