Goodbye Paci!!!
Over the last 3 1/2 years I never thought this day would come. Over the last couple of days, as we have been plotting the end of paci, I have been so nervous. We came home from NY and Justin went from room to room finding paci's and putting each in a box. When we found them all, Seth wrote on the box "For Baby Boys - from Justin." We sang a goodbye paci song and marched the box to the front step for the mailman (I grabbed it later). And that was it! He was so amazing and brave. He went to sleep fine. Today he shed a few tears when he got into the car and realized paci was gone. But he pulled it together. We are so proud of you Justin! We celebrated tonight with a goodbye paci party ~ pizza, cupcakes and ice cream. I felt that after giving up his most prized possession he should get something more than a cupcake. We will be visiting the lego store this weekend.