Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Day 40

We made it to day 40!  We were talking at dinner last night, and realized that 40 is a special number.  40 days and 40 nights on Noah's ark.  So happy Noah's Ark Day!!!!  I crafted a boat from legos and matched up the animal crackers in pairs.  It made the boys smile when they came down for their morning snack.  What more can I ask for on Day 40?

I had my CJP learning circle this morning - nice to take the time to think, talk and see friends.  

Seth made Israeli salad in Hebrew class today.  He cut this all on his own and cleaned up!  He said "look at all the life skills I am learning."  Truth!

Today is Gabe's b-day!  We snuck over to his house and drew with chalk on his driveway.  Seth made him a giant chocolate chip cookie.  Happy Birthday!

Social distancing hugs... the boys are actually 6 feet behind him.  

Ezra and I were looking for something to do today - we made pumpkin muffins!

Missy needs a haircut like the rest of us!

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