Saturday, April 11, 2020

Day 29

Today was the day we were supposed to be taking a car to NY to meet up with Gooma and Pa and then fly to Israel. This was a trip we have been dreaming about since Seth started kindergarten. And a trip we have been planning for over a year. I know we will get there, but it is hard to think about what we are missing, especially what Seth is missing as he was supposed to stay on to meet up with his classmates for their Israel trip.

My new Saturday morning routine, I got up on the earlier side to have my coffee by myself.  Missy and I went on a 2.3 50 min walk.  Back at home, Ezra wanted snuggle time.  We did this and I finally finished reading him the 5th Harry Potter book.  To finish it today, it took 50 minutes!  The real crazy thing was that we started reading this book in February 2019 after we got back from Disney and Universal!  He has had enough of Harry Potter for a while, so we are moving onto a different series "Spy School."

The boys kept playing their Risk game.  It is such a great thing when they three of them can find something to do together that doesn't involve screens.

After lunch we went on a social distancing hike with the Friedmans.  It was great to be outside and see them.  We then did a social distancing birthday visit to Seth's friend Evan.  They have been friends since they were 2 years old!  To see the boys smiles, being outside around other kids that aren't related to them was a joy.

We ended the day with our Saturday night movie night in the basement.  We picked Steve Carrell's Get Smart.  This is the perfect movie for the boys now.  They are not always interested in animated movies, but they love slapstick humor.

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