Thursday, April 16, 2020

Day 34

I woke up to snow?!?  It was short lived but I was not ready for our cold walk.  Brrrr

Missy wasn't quite in the mood either.  She picked up this big stick and tried to turn for home after a few minutes.  I forced her on the walk around the block, but she would not let go of the stick.  We went to the backyard, and I was able to take it away from her when she went for a tennis ball.  

After a few more hours of work (with the help of Jerald!) the machine was done!!!!  It wasn't perfect, but they learned a lot and occupied a lot of time!

To get the boys outside, I made them go in the backyard to pick up sticks.  I told them to put them in our firepit for a future fire.  Seth said....  let's make a fire now!  3pm on a thursday?  Perfect time for a fire!  It was actually fun building it with Seth and chilling out by the fire.  When it gets a bit warmer we will do it in the evening.  Ezra wants to roast hotdogs.  

Justin, Ezra and I spent a while finger knitting snakes and then I finally convinced the boys to play mahjong with me.  

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