Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Day 5

We started the day with school!!!!!!!!!!  At 8:30am the kids each logged in to the school's new website and boom - school wide prayers :-). With a few technical difficulties (Ezra couldn't log in - Justin couldn't figure out how to type in hebrew) - the did a day of school.  I am sure they will learn less than they would if they were actually in school - but the imposition of a schedule and the ability to see their teacher's face is invaluable!  

During Ezra's gym he played a little basketball and then we did 10 min of Ezra and Mommy yoga.  We got to have lunch as a family, which was nice.  I missed my chance when Seth had study hall - I should have made him fold laundry!!!!  

Thankfully it was a beautiful day and the boys spent a bunch of time outside - playing one of their games....who knows what is happening here!  

I left the house for the first time in a week to pick up a pre-packaged box of fruits and veggies that was loaded into my trunk.  I made tofu sandwiches for dinner which was a surprising hit!

I ended my day by keeping my plans with Seth's playgroup - we planned this dinner months ago.  We had a two hour zoom.  It was so great seeing them!!!  I am really trying to take this time to connect with the people I love.  

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