Monday, March 16, 2020

Day 3

Well - the boys are clearly still smiling!  I am impressed with their great attitudes! 

I started the day by taking a long walk with Missy and running into two people I new along the way.  Nice just to see other people! 

I spent the morning working remotely.  Fun doing a zoom call from bed!  Ezra and his friends fell in love with the app my friends and I used last night.  Ezra spent hours chatting and playing games with his friends with this app. 

After lunch the boys and I took a doodling class from author Mo Willems.  I thought it was really fun!  Depending on what their "school" day will look like when it starts on Wednesday, I would like to do that every day?  It was then time for some physical activity.  Justin decided to run around the block 4 times!  Ezra and I did 15 min of yoga together and Seth and I did a weight lifting class.  At 4:15pm, magically all of the boys music teachers were able to facetime with the boys and they all had their music lessons.  I thought it was so cool! 

We decided to do one last takeout dinner - chinese and indian!  There will be leftovers for another dinner at least.  Jerald had a work call so the boys and I went to the basement and watched LEGO Masters, I am hoping it will spark some interest in LEGO projects tomorrow.  To prove my point that my boys will literally watch anything - they begged for some more TV so we watched an episode of Curious George.  Boy did that bring me back!

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