Monday, June 08, 2009


Today was Seth's first day of camp. We were not really worried how he would adjust - Seth really takes to new people and new situations pretty easily. Of course not much of camp is new. He is in the same building, but new classroom, has one teacher from the year and two new ones who he knows quite well. The big change is that he is going 5 days a week instead of 3 and staying from 9am-2pm instead of 9am-Noon. We are going to have to figure out if he will nap when we get home or not. But it should be a fun 6 weeks. I am sure Seth will have a blast and it will give me a chance to have some more alone time with Justin and for Justin to sleep in his crib instead of the car! In preparation Jerald and I thought long and hard about a lunch box for Seth and came up with Madagascar. Seth loved it and happily carried it off to camp. It was a very successful day. Seth seemed to have a blast.

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