Sunday, June 21, 2009

7 Months Old!!!

Another busy and eventful month for our Justin. We were food focused this month. Justin expanded his daily menu to include not just breast milk and rice cereal but different fruits and vegetables and even cheerios! He did have a reaction to peas - and we are worried about a possible peanut allergy - but we will keep a close eye on what he and I eat. Justin is really growing up before our eyes. He now is sitting on his own - and day by day becomes more steady. He babbles non-stop saying "Dadada" and "Nanana" but no "Moma" yet. Justin also seemed to turn the corner on sleeping. He does seem to wake up on the early side (5:30!) but at least I don't have to run down in the middle of the night to feed him anymore. As always, Justin is still our "Mellow Fellow" and seems to be just a happy baby!

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