Friday, June 15, 2012

Kindergarten Store

 Seth's kindergarten year has been incredible for many reasons.  One of the main reasons has been his amazing teacher, Sondra.  She loves and nurtures the kids and goes with their interests.  A month ago one of Seth's best friends, Evan suggested that their class should make a store.  Seth jumped on the idea and the whole class came along.  Sondra encouraged the class and worked her lessons into the store.  The class worked for weeks to prepare all the items to sell which included books, cards, and art.  Sondra invited the parents and it was the big opening.  Seth was so excited the night before, he couldn't even sleep!  He also insisted on dressing up - hence the bow tie (reused from Uncle Joshy's and Aunt Shir's wedding).  They gave us maps of the store, which showed different areas, we got bags of money to buy items.  Each section had a cash register and workers.  Seth was stationed at refreshments - which were "cookies" but were actually pictures of stars that they drew.  He would cut each star out to "eat."  All the kids were so proud - what a wonderful event!
 Ezra barely waited until he took over one of the cash registers...
 The manager Evan and the assistant manager Seth...

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